Saturday, April 9, 2011

Pet ID Bill Heard on Senate Floor April 11

A bill that would ensure that animal control facilities did their due diligence to make sure lost cats and dogs get home safety will be voted on in the Illinois State Senate on April 11. This is the last step needed for the bill to pass before it moves on to the House of Representatives for consideration.

Pet Identification (SB 1637): Sets “best practices” standards for animal control facilities when cats or dogs are brought in; asks that facilities do all they can to ID an animal, such as scan for a microchip, or physically examine the animal for other forms of ID, including tags, tattoos, and rabies licenses. The bill also says that animal control facilities must hold a dog or cat a minimum of 7 business days before euthanasia. Such a provision helps protect against tragic mistake, such as the Afghanistan hero dog euthanized in Arizona last year.

Contact information for Illinois State Senators is here: