March 21, 2011
Two Dog Bills Move on to Senate Floor; Two Bills Stagnate—not Dead Yet
SB 1637, to require animal intake facilities to do their due diligence in reuniting dogs and cats with their owners prior to adopting them out or euthanizing them, has passed through the Senate Agriculture and Conservation Committee. The bill will now be considered by the full Senate.
Also passed through Committee and forwarded to the full Senate for consideration is SB 1840, which would require pet shops to charge $15 per dog or cat sold, send the fee to the Department of Public Health, deposit it in the Pet Population Control Fund, and distribute it to qualified animal shelters.
HB 1247, which would place restrictions on tethering dogs, has not met prescribed deadlines to pass out of committee, and so has been automatically re-referred to the House Rules Committee.
HB 1080, which would have repealed rules against banning specific dog breeds, has met the same fate. While this is good news for those of us that oppose BSL, the bill isn’t quite dead yet. It could still be approved for consideration. But it may well be on the way to being dead, which is good news for pit bulls and their families around the state.
And Now for Something Completely Different…
Albert (pictured here) needs your help.

Emergency Situation- 3 to 4 year old Albert, is living in a kill shelter. Supposedly he is next to be put down due to capacity of the shleter. Albert is a 40 or so pound lab/shepard or lab something sweet boy that loves people and gets along with other dogs. He will be fixed and up-to-date on shots prior to adoption. If you can help, contact Marilyn: or 217-251-2032.
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