Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Breeder Closing South of Lincoln, NE

Got this notification: breeder closing - south of Lincoln, NE

Would you be able to send the following to your contact list to let people
know about this kennel closing? Nebraska Border Collie Rescue has already
picked up the border collies, but I believe the people still have
Havanese, Shelties and maybe some Aussies left. They are not a puppymill and the
Border Collies were not in bad condition. The owners surrendered the dogs
without any problems. The kennel is located in Firth, NE, about 20 minutes
south of Lincoln.

COMPLETE DISPERSAL OF Kennels: Toy, mini, & standard Australian Shepherds,
Shelties, Havanese & Border Collies. Puppies & adults. 402-791-2305.

Please help if you can!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Pet ID Bill Heard on Senate Floor April 11

A bill that would ensure that animal control facilities did their due diligence to make sure lost cats and dogs get home safety will be voted on in the Illinois State Senate on April 11. This is the last step needed for the bill to pass before it moves on to the House of Representatives for consideration.

Pet Identification (SB 1637): Sets “best practices” standards for animal control facilities when cats or dogs are brought in; asks that facilities do all they can to ID an animal, such as scan for a microchip, or physically examine the animal for other forms of ID, including tags, tattoos, and rabies licenses. The bill also says that animal control facilities must hold a dog or cat a minimum of 7 business days before euthanasia. Such a provision helps protect against tragic mistake, such as the Afghanistan hero dog euthanized in Arizona last year.

Contact information for Illinois State Senators is here:

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Tribune Publishes Good Editorial on BSL

The Chicago Tribune recently ran a nice editorial about why Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) is a bad idea. It also makes a good argument for HB 1247, which would place restrictions on tethering. HB 1080, which would lift the ban on BSL, is currently stalled in the process, but not yet dead. The editorial is here:

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dogs in Need of Rescue


These adult dogs are all in need of rescue. The first five dogs on the list are to be considered extra urgent, as they will be euthanized if no one steps up.

Please contact Stacey with Dancing and Prancing Furever at 815-994-1549 if you can step up for any of these dogs.

Need Immediate Rescue
1 male beagle-basset mix
2 male beagle-corgi mix
2 female coonhounds

Shih tzu
1 female DOB 11-04 Gold and White, good with other dogs, easygoing
1 female DOB 05-09, Gold and White, good with other dogs, a little shy
1 female, DOB, 05-09 Gold and White, good with other dogs, a little shy
1 female DOB 11-04, Gold and White, good with other dogs, easy going

1 female DOB 05-04, good with other dogs, pretty friendly, has only had one handler
1 female, DOB 05-04, good with other dogs, pretty friendly, has only had one handler
1 female, DOB 04-04, good with other dogs, pretty friendly, has only had one handler

1 female DOB 02-04, good with other dogs, friendly, a little timid around strangers
1 female DOB 04-04, good quiet dog, a little timid around strangers

Rat terriers
1 female DOB 2006 10lbs will be available in 2 weeks...weaning pups. A little shy until she gets to know you
1 male DOB 2006 10 lbs sweet and loving boy

Transport assistance may be available.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Update on Dog Bills in Illinois State Legislature

March 21, 2011

Two Dog Bills Move on to Senate Floor; Two Bills Stagnate—not Dead Yet

SB 1637, to require animal intake facilities to do their due diligence in reuniting dogs and cats with their owners prior to adopting them out or euthanizing them, has passed through the Senate Agriculture and Conservation Committee.
The bill will now be considered by the full Senate.

Also passed through Committee and forwarded to the full Senate for consideration is SB 1840, which would require pet shops to charge $15 per dog or cat sold, send the fee to the Department of Public Health, deposit it in the Pet Population Control Fund, and distribute it to qualified animal shelters.

HB 1247, which would place restrictions on tethering dogs, has not met prescribed deadlines to pass out of committee, and so has been automatically re-referred to the House Rules Committee.

HB 1080, which would have repealed rules against banning specific dog breeds, has met the same fate. While this is good news for those of us that oppose BSL, the bill isn’t quite dead yet. It could still be approved for consideration. But it may well be on the way to being dead, which is good news for pit bulls and their families around the state.

And Now for Something Completely Different…

Albert (pictured here) needs your help.

Emergency Situation- 3 to 4 year old Albert, is living in a kill shelter. Supposedly he is next to be put down due to capacity of the shleter. Albert is a 40 or so pound lab/shepard or lab something sweet boy that loves people and gets along with other dogs. He will be fixed and up-to-date on shots prior to adoption. If you can help, contact Marilyn: or 217-251-2032.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

No Vote Yet on Doggie Bills

Just a quick update--votes have not yet been taken on any of the dog-related bills, which means there is still the opportunity to contact your elected officials and make your views known. When the bills are scheduled for another hearing and vote, or if there are other developments, I'll let you know.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hearings Not Available Online

The Illinois State House and Senate Agriculture and Conservation Committee hearings are not available online for public viewing, as previously reported. I apologize for any confusion that may have caused. As soon as I learn the outcome of the votes on doggie-related bills, I'll let you know.


Monday, February 28, 2011

Why Not Visit Lovely Springfield?

Tomorrow the Illinois State House of Representatives Agriculture and Conservation Committee will meet in Room 122B of the Capitol Building at 2:00 PM. The State Senate Agriculture and Conservation Committee will also meet at 2:00 PM in Room 409 of the Capitol Building.

Why not be a part of democracy in action and come down to Springfield to provide pro-doggie testimony on HB 1247 Animals-Dog Tethering, HB 1080 Animal Control-Vicious Breeds or SB 1637 Animals-Identification Scan?

If you can’t make it in person, there’s still time to call your state legislator (if he/she serves on the Committee) prior to the hearing. Talking points for the bills are included in previous blog posts.

The House Agriculture & Conservation Committee Members are listed here:

Senate Agriculture & Conservation Committee Members are listed here:

Click on each individual’s name for contact information.

You may also be able to watch the Hearings from the comfort of your home computer. Links are listed below.



Friday, February 25, 2011

March 1 is Doggie Day at the Illinois State Legislature

March 1 is doggie day in the Illinois House of Representatives’ and the Illinois State Senate’s Agriculture and Conservation Committees.

The best way to influence your state legislator on these bills is to go to the hearing and testify. However, if that’s not possible, calling is the next best bet, and emailing can also be effective.

To see a list of the House Agriculture and Conservation Committee Members, go to (click on each name for contact info):

For the Senate Agriculture and Conservation Committee Information, go to:

In addition to the aforementioned “Vicious Breeds” bill, there are other dog-related bills slated for hearing on March 1. Below is a description of 2 the bills.

Bills in the House Agriculture and Conservation Committee on March 1:

HB 1247 Animals-Dog Tethering, authored by Summit’s Representative Michael Zalewski (D-21st): HB 1247 requires certain basic health and safety requirements to be met to legally “tether” a dog outdoors. This bill legally defines tethering as restraining a dog by “means to restrain by tying to an object or structure, including, without limitation, a house, tree, fence, post, garage, shed, or clothes line at a person's residence or business, by any means, including, without limitation, a chain, rope, cord, leash, or running line.” If passed into law, dog owners would be required to provide the following in order to legally tether their dogs:
*sufficient quality of good quality wholesome food and water
*adequate shelter and protection from the weather
*veterinary care when needed to prevent suffering
*humane care and treatment

The bill also requires that the tethering is done in a way that prevents the dog from becoming entangled from another tethered dog, that the tether itself is a safe width and weight for the dog, and that the tethered dog can’t get into the street, public sidewalk, or someone else’s property.


Unchain Your Dog fact sheet:

HB 1080 Animal Control-Vicious Breeds, authored by Marion’s Representative John Bradley (D-117th): Described in the previous blog entry below.

Bill in the Senate Agriculture and Conservation Committee on March 1

SB 1637 Animals-Identification Scan, authored by Crystal Lake’s Senator Pamela Althoff (R-32nd): If a law like SB 1637, last year’s tragic story of the Arizona war-hero dog euthanized by Animal Control in less than 48 hours, before his family could bail him out never would have happened. SB 1637 makes sure that dogs and cats that have been impounded are thoroughly examined for any type of identification within 24 hours of intake. Additionally, pounds must make every effort to contact the dog or cat’s owner. Pounds would be required to hold a dog or cat could be put to sleep without being held for a minimum of 7 days business days to allow for the reclamation by their owner, agent, or caretaker. Finally, if the animal is microchipped and the owner on the chip cannot be reached, every effort would have to be made to contact the previous owner as named on the chip, as well as the agency or individual who purchased the implanted chip found in the animal, prior to euthanizing, transferring, or adoption.

My dog Zooey went missing in the streets of Chicago a few months ago overnight, when while I was on a business trip to California, an irresponsible dog sitter let her off her leash in a city park (that’s another story!). As I desperately tried to get home and get local friends to find her, in addition to imagining her being hit by a car or otherwise harmed, I imagined nightmare scenarios in which she was picked up by Animal Control and put to sleep or given away, despite the fact that she was wearing a collar with identification. If SB 1637 passed into law, that nightmare could not come true—neither for me, nor for that poor Arizona family that lost their best friend.


Story about mistakenly euthanized Arizona war hero dog:

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bill Would Allow Breed-Specific Bans

Existing Illinois law prohibits cities and municipalities from issuing a ban on specific dog breeds. Instead, “dangerous dogs” are determined not by arbitrary breed distinctions, but rather by the behavior of individual dogs.

HB 1080, a bill introduced in the Illinois State Legislature by State Representative John E. Bradley (D-117), would change that law to allow cities and municipalities that choose to ban specific breeds of dogs. There is little doubt that this would result in some cities to make the decision to ban the much-maligned pit bull.

There is plenty of evidence to demonstrate that breed-specific bans do not make communities safer. Groups like Best Friends, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and the Humane Society of the United States have all come out against breed-specific bans.


Please ask your state representative to oppose HB 1080. This bill will be voted on by the House Agriculture & Conservation Committee on Tues, March 1.

Members of the House Agriculture & Conservation Committee are listed here; click on the names for contact info:

If you don't know who your state representative is, go here and enter your address to find out:

The bill’s sponsor, State Representative John E. Bradley can be reached by calling (217) 782-1051 or emailing

TALKING POINTS (Whenever possible, include information about your own experience with pit bulls or other so-called “dangerous breeds.”):
  • As a voter in your district, I’m calling/writing you to ask you to oppose HB 1080, which would allow cities and municipalities to ban dogs by breed rather than by dangerous behavior.
  • A number of different breeds of dogs are commonly confused with the pit bull, making breed-discriminatory legislation (BDL) extremely hard to enforce.
  • Pit bulls are gentle, loving and loyal. And, like any dog raised responsibly, they make great family pets.
  • No breed of dog is inherently aggressive or vicious.
  • Dogs kept for fighting are victims.
  • All dogs deserve humane care, socialization and training.

These talking points come from Best Friend’s Pit Bulls: Saving America’s Dog campaign. It can be found here: